Road and Bridge Conditions
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Category | CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, null, Planned |
Advice | Exercise caution Allow extra travel time Increased truck movements are occurring between the quarry on Nerrigundah Mountain Rd, (1km north of Tyrone Bridge) and the dam site on Eurobodalla Rd. Motorists should exercise caution along this route. |
Schedule | Affected Both directions Weekdays - (7:00am - 5:00pm) |
Roads | Eurobodalla Rd and Nerrigundah Mountain Rd, Eurobodalla |
Organisation | Eurobodalla Shire Council 02 4474 1000 |
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Location: (-36.138887, 149.981048)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Allow extra travel time Reduce your speed Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. |
Schedule | Affected Both directions Weekdays - (7:00am - 4:00pm) |
Roads | Dalmeny Drive, Kianga |
Organisation | Eurobodalla Shire Council 02 4474 1000 |
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Location: (-36.198987, 150.1305046)
Category | CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, null, Unplanned |
Advice | Use an alternative route Allow extra travel time The unsealed section of Congo Road (north) is closed where the road reserve ends at private land. We are exploring options to restore this northern access to Congo village. The road will remain closed until further notice. |
Diversions | Commuters travelling to and from Congo need to use Congo Road south and Bingie Road to access the Princes Highway. |
Roads | Congo Road, Congo |
Organisation | Eurobodalla Shire Council 02 4474 1000 |
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Location: (-35.9443643, 150.1339819)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Plan your journey Check signage
Diversions | Use Train St or Annetts Pde. |
Schedule | Closed Both directions - (all day - ) |
Roads | Broulee Road (eastern side), George Bass Drive, Broulee |
Organisation | Eurobodalla Shire Council 02 4474 1000 |
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Location: (-35.8559793, 150.1632703)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Allow extra travel time Check signage Council is building a new roundabout. Broulee Rd (eastern side) closure:
Schedule | Affected Both directions Weekdays - (7:00am - 4:00pm) |
Roads | George Bass Drive, Broulee Road, Broulee |
Organisation | Eurobodalla Shire Council 02 4474 1000 |
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Location: (-35.8559302, 150.1632421)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, Bridge work, Planned |
Advice | Allow extra travel time Check signage Preliminary works on site are due to commence which may cause some short-term interruptions to traffic flow. A date for bridge replacement works is yet to be confirmed. |
Schedule | Affected All directions Every Day - (all day - ) |
Roads | Dignams Creek Road, Dignams Creek Bridge, Dignams Creek |
Organisation | Bega Valley Shire Council 02 6499 2222 |
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Location: (-36.3186706, 149.9664824)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned |
Advice | Plan your journey Check signage Current road closure
Closures will move toward Moruya, with each closure rolling into the next, continuing for several months. Next road closure
Followed by closures at 25.4, 19.7 and 9.6km from Moruya. Sign up for email updates from Council |
Schedule | Closed Both directions Every Day - (all day - ) |
Roads | Araluen Road closed, 31km, Deua River Valley, 33km from Moruya |
Organisation | Eurobodalla Shire Council 02 4474 1000 |
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Location: (-35.7697741, 149.9312889)
Category | SCHEDULED ROADWORK, Slope stabilisation, Planned |
Advice | Plan your journey Check signage Road will be closed on 18 March. Detour via Morts Folly Rd and Cobra Rd. |
Schedule | Closed Both directions Tuesday - (7:00am - 5:00pm) |
Roads | Reedy Creek Road - 800m from Eurobodalla Road, Eurobodalla |
Organisation | Eurobodalla Shire Council 02 4474 1000 |
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Location: (-36.1865648, 149.957371)
Location: (-35.70812, 150.174801)
No Road Closures to display
Data Authority: Transport NSW
Checked a few seconds ago